
Redifining payments and revenue

Bank independent solutions for businesses

We optimize your payments, get you a better exchange, more revenue and enhance your businesses


We can help you if your business needs:

Faster, simpler payment solutions

Employees' payroll optimized

Better foreign exchange rates

Licence sales

Advice to improve your business

Guidance in improvement

The SmartFin way

Payment solutions

Send and receive payments faster and cheaper. Don't get slowed down by borders, weekends, holidays or spend a wealth on banking fees. With our solutions you will be able to pay your employees or suppliers and receive money from your business parners 24/7/365, in real-time, at low cost (conditions apply).

Treasury solutions

Faceing the risk and costs of foreign exchange daily? We can provide you with the best exchange rates on the market, even in case of exotic or not-widely-traded currency pairs (conditions apply).

Licence sales

Raise funds to expand and / or improve your business without selling your company with our experts's help.

Business consulting & management

Company incorporation abroad, general business & management consulting.